STEM Educators Become Drone Designers

STEM Educators Become Drone Designers

In July of 2021, over 40 educators in Idaho programmed, costumed and flew mini-drones in musical performances!

PCS Edventures partnered with the Idaho STEM Action Center to offer training for Drone Designers: Exploring STEAM Careers at three different sites across the state. This training gave educators the opportunity to experience for themselves how engaging and versatile mini-drones can be in elementary and middle school education.

In only a few days, these educators designed drone costumes and learned how to code the UAVs to fly autonomously in time to music. Many had no background in coding, and yet their drones were decorated and buzzing in the air by the end of the session.

Not only did participating educators explore the science and math behind flight, the computer science of coding and the design principles of costuming, but they also worked in teams to experience the different roles and responsibilities of real-life drone choreographers.

In this hands-on experience, things didn’t always go as planned. Several teams ran into problems with their drones’ take-offs and flight paths. But every time an obstacle was encountered, each team member was excited to iterate and find a solution. These educators only had a few days to complete the training – imagine what your students could accomplish over the course of an entire unit!

Along with the training, each educator received a complete Drone Designers program, which includes everything needed to implement this creative mini-drone course into their own classrooms and out-of-school programs.

View Drone Designers

Drone Designers Training Gallery

Take a look at the photos and videos of the PCS Edventures and Idaho STEM Action Center training below!

Read Article: More than 40 Idaho teachers attend drone flight school

(link opens in a new tab)

Read Article: Teachers channel their inner school-kid, learn to program drones to teach their students about STEM

More News & Photos

Explore Other PCS Edventures Drone Programs:

Click the badges below to explore more hands-on Drone programs for a variety of grade levels.

Ready, Set, Drone! Drone Designers: Exploring STEAM Careers Discover Drones

View Curriculum Samples

Partner with PCS Edventures

PCS Edventures' mission is to bring hands-on STEM education opportunities to learners nationwide. If your school or organization is interested in partnering with us to extend grant opportunities to educators beyond Idaho, contact us.

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