Drone Designers: Exploring STEAM Careers 2nd Edition
- Price
- 4,375 USD
Your Performance Will Reach New Heights with the Second Edition of Drone Designers!
Drones are transforming the world of arts and entertainment, performing alongside artists as diverse as Metallica, Drake and Cirque du Soleil. Follow in the footsteps of the world’s groundbreaking drone designers, weaving together the engineering design process and principles of aerodynamics as learners collaborate to costume, choreograph and code tiny aerial robots in creative performances. Use your imagination, problem-solve and explore STEAM careers through the innovative ways drones are being used for good!
Grades: 4-8
Students: Up to 30
Contact Hours: 12+ hours
Subject Targets:
Technology, Engineering Design, Coding, Art/STEAM, English Language Arts
Reusability and Expansion:
- Refill Kit Available: This product offers affordable refill kits. See the materials tab for details.
Note: See the Materials tab for current included materials.
Settings & Tech Requirements
Recommended Settings:
- Summer Camps
- Classrooms
- Out-of-School Time Programs
Tech Requirements:
- Six Internet-connected laptops or Chromebooks (one per drone) to run the Blockly web app and access music.
- CoDrone EDU is not compatible with Android or iOS operating systems.
Curriculum Topics
Activity Highlights:
- Costume, choreograph and code mini-drones in aerial acrobatic performances.
- Explore drone technology, the iterative design process and the science of aerodynamics through a curriculum aimed at engaging learners
Curriculum Topics:
- Art and Technology
- Autonomous Drone Operations
- Algorithms & Programming
- Engineering Design Process
- Real-World Careers
Professional Development
Product Orientation:
- Half-hour free webinar orientation for purchases of $500+
- One-hour free webinar orientation for purchases of $1000+
- Additional training available for purchase
Complete Program Includes:
Drone Designers comes with all of the supplies needed for 30 students to complete 12 one-hour activities:
- Instructor Guide: 1
- Designer’s Notebooks: 31
- Drone Parts Poster: 1
- Flight Team Lanyard Inserts: 1
- Iterative Design Poster: 1
- Storage Tubs: 2
- #2 Pencils (12 pack): 3
- AA Batteries: 12
- Ball of String: 1
- Colored Pencils (12 pack): 6
- Construction Paper (50 pack): 1
- Craft Foam (24 pack): 1
- Digital Scale: 1
- Glitter Cardstock (40 pack): 1
- LiPo Battery Multi-Charger: 6
- LiPo Safe Storage Bag: 1
- Metal Washers: 80
- Mini Quadcopters: 6
- Mini Quadcopter Motors (4 pack): 1
- Pencil Sharpeners: 6
- Plastic Container: 1
- Production Team Lanyards: 30
- Rolls of Double-Sided Tape: 6
- Rolls of Masking Tape: 6
- Safety Glasses: 30
- Scissors (Child): 12
- Scissors (Adult): 1
- Team Tote Bags: 6
- Tissue Paper (24 pack): 1
- White Cardstock (250 pack): 1
- Access to the Digital Resource Portal
Curriculum Print & Digital Includes:
- Instructor Guide: 1
- Designer’s Notebooks: 31
- Drone Parts Poster: 1
- Flight Team Lanyard Inserts: 1
- Iterative Design Poster: 1
- Access to the Digital Resource Portal
Refill Kit Available:
Looking to use Drone Designers with a new flight crew? This refill kit will get you back up and flying in no time!
- Designer’s Notebooks: 31
- #2 Pencils (12 packk): 3
- AA Batteries: 12
- Ball of String: 1
- Colored Pencils (12 pack): 6
- Construction Paper (50 pack): 1
- Craft Foam (24 pack): 1
- Glitter Cardstock (40 pack): 1
- Mini Quadcopter Motors (4 pack): 1
- Mini Quadcopter Propellers (4 pack): 6
- Rolls of Double-Sided Tape: 6
- Rolls of Masking Tape: 6
- Tissue Paper (24 pack): 1
- White Cardstock (250 pack): 1
Standards & Alignment
Habits of Mind:
16 thinking habits developed by Art Costa and Bena Kallick to empower students to succeed in a 21st-century learning environment.
- Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations
- Creating, Imagining and Innovating
- Gathering Data through All Senses
- Listening with Understanding and Empathy
- Managing Impulsivity
- Persisting
- Questioning and Posing Problems
- Responding with Wonderment and Awe
- Striving for Accuracy
- Taking Responsible Risks
- Thinking about Thinking
- Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision
- Thinking Flexibly
- Thinking Interdependently
21st Century Skills:
A set of widely-applicable abilities essential for success in the information age.
- Communication and Collaboration
- Creativity and Innovation
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Flexibility and Adaptability
- Information, Media, and Technology Literacy
- Initiative and Self-Direction
- Leadership and Responsibility
- Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
© 2019 Battelle for Kids. battelleforkids.org. All Rights Reserved. Battelle for Kids was not involved in the production of this product and does not endorse it.
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts:
- ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.1/CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.1/CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4-6 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
- ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.2/CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.2/CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.2: Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. / Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.
Next Generation Science Standards:*
- 3-5-ETS1-1 Engineering Design
- 3-5-ETS1-2 Engineering Design
- 4-PS3-4 Energy Transfer
- MS-ETS1-2 Engineering Design
- MS-ETS1-3 Engineering Design
* Next Generation Science Standards and NGSS is a registered trademark of WestEd. Neither WestEd nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and do not endorse it.
International Society for Technology in Education:
- ISTE 1d. Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
- ISTE 5d. Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions.
- ISTE 7c. Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.
ISTE Standards for Students, ©2016, ISTE® (International Society for Technology in Education), iste.org. All rights reserved. ISTE was not involved in the production of this product and does not endorse it.
National Core Arts Standards:
- DA:Cr1.1.4a: Identify ideas for choreography generated from a variety of stimuli (for example, music/sound, text, objects, images, notation, observed dance, experiences)
- DA:Cr1.1.5a: Build content for choreography using several stimuli (for example, music/sound, text, objects, images, notation, observed dance, experiences, literary forms, natural phenomena, current news, social events).
- DA:Pr4.1.6a: Refine partner and ensemble skills in the ability to judge distance and spatial design. Establish diverse pathways, levels, and patterns in space. Maintain focus with partner or group in near and far space.
- VA:Cn10.1.5a: Apply formal and conceptual vocabularies of art and design to view surroundings in new ways through artmaking.
- VA:Cn11.1.6a: Analyze how art reflects changing times, traditions, resources, and cultural uses.
- VA:Cr1.2.5a: Identify and demonstrate diverse methods of artistic investigation to choose an approach for beginning a work of art.
- VA:Cr2.1.5: Experiment and develop skills in multiple art-making techniques and approaches through practice.
- VA:Cr2.1.6: Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in making works of art and design.
- VA:Cr2.2.4a: When making works of art, utilize and care for materials, tools, and equipment in a manner that prevents danger to oneself and others.
- VA:Cr2.3.6a: Design or redesign objects, places, or systems that meet the identified needs of diverse users.
- VA:Cr3.1.5a: Create artist statements using art vocabulary to describe personal choices in artmaking.
- VA:Cr3.1.6a: Reflect on whether personal artwork conveys the intended meaning and revise accordingly.
- VA:Cr3.1.8a: Apply relevant criteria to examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for a work of art or design in progress.
- VA:Pr5.1.6: Individually or collaboratively, develop a visual plan for displaying works of art, analyzing exhibit space, the needs of the viewer, and the layout of the exhibit.
- VA:Pr5.1.8a: Collaboratively prepare and present selected theme-based artwork for display, and formulate exhibition narratives for the viewer.
- VA:Re.7.1.5: Compare one's own interpretation of a work of art with the interpretation of others.
- VA:Re7.2.6: Analyze ways that visual components and cultural associations suggested by images influence ideas, emotions, and actions.
National Core Arts Standards © 2015 National Coalition for Core Arts Standards. Rights administered by Young Audiences, Inc. New York, NY. https://www.nationalartsstandards.org
Idaho Computer Science Standards:
- 3-5.AP.06. Construct and test problem solutions using a block-based visual programming language, both independently and collaboratively (e.g. pair programming).
- 3-5.CS.02. Identify, using accurate terminology, simple hardware and software problems and apply strategies for solving these problems (e.g. rebooting the device, checking the power, access to the network, read error messages, discuss problems with peers and adults).
- 6-8.AP.02. Compare different algorithms that may be used to solve the same problem by time and space efficiency.
About the Author
Erika D. Liebel
As a former PCS Lab student, Erika is thrilled to be part of the team at PCS Edventures as a curriculum developer and coordinator. Erika received her bachelor’s degree from Linfield College, a master's from Middlebury College and pursued post-graduate studies at Cornell University and Northwest Nazarene University, with her graduate studies
focusing on Second Language Acquisition, Curriculum Design and Educational Technology. Erika has worked in Bilingual Education in Spain
and the United States, always incorporating STEAM-based strategies into her classroom.
Erika’s STEAM experiences are extensive, developing AR/VR curriculum for Blocksmith Inc and Google for Education, serving as president of the Idaho Association of Teachers of Language and Culture, and assisting the Idaho Virtual Reality Council and the Idaho STEM Action Center in
the creation of the VR4Ed grant to bring virtual reality technology to rural school districts. In 2018, Erika was voted "Best in the Wood River Valley: Top Educator." As Curriculum Coordinator, Erika looks forward to bringing a collaborative spirit to colleagues, clients and curricula through her unique perspective of STEAM education.
For this reason, Erika thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to develop Drone Designers with such a collaborative approach with the team at PCS
Edventures and many expert contributors. Another highlight of the development process was heading back into the classroom to pilot these lessons at Wood River Middle School, where Erika previously taught. Erika loved seeing the program come alive with co-teacher, Melanie Schrader, and the 7th-grade students.
From all involved in the Drone Designers program, it’s our greatest wish that educators and students feel well supported with these scaffolded, methodically designed and tested lessons so that they may feel empowered to contribute to the ever-evolving field of drone technology.
Jan Zatloukal
Jan Zatloukal is an accomplished instructional designer at PCS Edventures, blending his expertise in education with a creative approach to curriculum development. With a Bachelor's degree in Education from the University of Idaho and is in the process of earning a Master's Certificate in Instructional Design from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, Jan consistently strives to enhance the learning
experience for students and educators. In addition to being a certified teacher he is also a licensed FAA Part 107 drone pilot.
Jan's professional experience includes tutoring, teaching, and creating captivating lessons intended to foster a love for science and mathematics, instill a passion for engineering and robotics, and spark
interests in programming, career exploration, and computer-aided design. His dynamic approach empowers learners to think critically, solve
problems, and embrace the limitless potential of STEAM disciplines.
Recognizing the immense potential of drones as educational tools, Jan eagerly embraced the opportunity to collaborate with the PCS
development team to build upon the Drone Designers curriculum. Jan is thrilled about the chance to equip learners with the skills and mindset
necessary to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
Marisa Vickery
Marisa Vickery is a veteran educator and the CEO of DroneBlocks. She was honored as the Texas Computer Education Association’s (TCEA) 2017
High Impact Teacher of the Year and the Texas Trailblazer of the Year in 2015 by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. She has presented at conferences and events including the South by Southwest Education Conference and Festival (SXSWedu), the International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) global EdTech conference, the World Maker Faire in New York, the Texas Computer Education Association’s (TCEA) state conference and the National Scout Jamboree.
Marisa serves as a Champion Board Member for the Texas Girls Collaborative Project and enjoys traveling to provide STEAM and Drone Education training to children and educators across the world.
Marisa assisted with initial research and the review of the Drone Designers curriculum. Marisa’s wealth of experience with DroneBlocks curriculum development and logistical testing with students was
essential in the early conception of the program. PCS Edventures greatly appreciates Marisa contributing her expertise to Drone Designers.
Jeff M. Poulin
Jeff M. Poulin is the founder of Creative Generation, working to inspire, connect and amplify the work of organizations and individuals
committed to cultivating the creative capacities of young people. As a recognized leader at the non-profit organization, Americans for the
Arts, he advanced local, state and federal policies supportive of equitable access to arts learning throughout the U.S. A seasoned educator, Jeff teaches at several universities and trains 10,000+ people annually around the globe. Jeff is a tap dancer by trade and continues to mentor young dancers in the U.S. and in the U.K.
PCS Edventures appreciates Jeff’s contributions to the Drone Designers program, especially given his experience as the former Arts Education Program Manager for the Americans for the Arts. Jeff managed the organization’s role in the development of the National Core Arts Standards. During the development of the Drone Designers program, Jeff
was able to work with Erika early on to ensure that daily lessons were aligned with the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), as part of the PCS
Edventures effort to create truly balanced programs to advance STEAM education. Additionally, with Jeff’s extensive background in dance, he
was able to provide lesson extensions for educators interested in pursuing a more in-depth focus on choreography throughout.
Katelyn Foley
Katelyn Foley, the Director of Education and Humanities at the Sun Valley Museum of Art (SVMoA), is a certified educator, art historian and expert in collaborating with classroom teachers across the disciplines to bring value to the “A” for “Arts” in STEAM. Under Katelyn’s leadership, the museum has developed innovative curricula to skillfully integrate the arts into classes traditionally excluded such as the Sciences, Math and Social Studies. Within the Blaine County School District in the Sun Valley area of Idaho, Katelyn and her educational outreach team design projects that align with Common Core objectives to
meet the needs of teachers and students to interpret information in new ways. Now after receiving a prestigious national grant through the Institute of Museum and Library Sciences, the Sun Valley Museum of Art has additional funding to bring their valuable approach to STEAM to a wider, national audience through their new online resource hub. See
links within the Drone Designers program for step-by-step videos that complement lessons on paper manipulation for drone costume design.
PCS Edventures is grateful to Katelyn for playing a key role throughout the development of the Drone Designers program. Initially serving as a reviewer of daily lessons and consultant on arts standards, paper manipulation techniques and best practices, Katelyn later participated in the co-teaching of the lessons with students at Wood River Middle School. Erika greatly appreciated Katelyn being on hand as
another expert for students to interact with and receive mentorship from, especially when interpreting music into artistic expression. Thank you, Katelyn, for your enthusiasm, creativity and expertise.
Melanie Bemis Schrader
Melanie is the Gifted and Talented Facilitator and Leadership Educator at Wood River Middle School in Hailey, Idaho. With a strong background in the sciences, she has also taught Life Science, Biology,
Chemistry, and Microbiology. As an educator, Melanie’s goals have always been to empower her students with the necessary skills and self-knowledge to achieve their goals for life. For this reason, Melanie promotes project management, 21st Century Learning Skills and talent development among all students. Melanie is a proponent of project-based learning with real-life applications and STEAM career exploration through participation in national competitive programs such as Future
City. As Melanie frequently brings in local experts from the community to mentor students on their projects, the Drone Designers pilot program
fits right in with her innovative teaching approach.
As the collaborating teacher involved with Drone Designers, Melanie played an essential role in the program to test lesson logistics, co-teach sessions and offer detailed feedback each day. Melanie assisted Erika in ensuring that production team roles were fully developed in each lesson and enhanced approaches to teaching more advanced coding
skills like flying to point. PCS Edventures appreciates Melanie’s ability to promote the taking of academic risks with a growth mindset among her students. Her love and appreciation of both the Arts and
Sciences are admirable.
Léa Pereyre
Erika loved researching the magic of Verity Studios, the intriguing production team members behind the scenes and the opportunity to learn from these innovative figures. Little did Erika know that she would have the opportunity to actually interact with one of these people she so admired. Erika and PCS Edventures greatly appreciate Léa Pereyre, the
world’s first drone costume designer, for being so willing to share how she has developed this new field of design. Léa corresponded with Erika
throughout the development of the program and offered crucial feedback so that daily lessons highlight the fundamental skills for developing a
drone performance. The team at PCS Edventures hopes that educators and students alike will embrace Léa as a positive female role model breaking new ground in drone technology as applied to the arts and entertainment.
Wood River Middle School 7th Grade Leadership Students
PCS Edventures and Erika Liebel are especially thankful to the Wood River Middle School students for their contributions to the Drone Designers program! These 7th Grade Leadership students demonstrated a willingness to take academic risks and apply their skills and talents in new ways. Students offered valuable feedback on lessons and content. Students decided on their own to take on the most logistically challenging track of the Drone Designers curriculum, and surpassed expectations. Learners demonstrated sincere support for one another, innovative applications of program concepts and pure joy in learning and creating!
Shipping Information
Payment and Return Policy
Thank you for choosing PCS Edventures! We want to make your shopping experience with us a pleasant one. The following is our general policy concerning payment, returns, product shipping, and warranties.
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We accept Purchase Orders (POs)*, checks, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover as forms of payment. During payment processing, we will verify your billing and shipping address. Please be sure that you enter your information accurately.
*Purchase Orders are subject to review by PCS Edventures. We reserve the right to accept or reject any Purchase Order at our discretion.
PCS Edventures does not include the cost of shipping in its product pricing. Your shipping rate will depend on your delivery location.
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PCS Edventures products are designed to be ready-to-use and accessible for any educator. This often requires some components to be sourced from third-party vendors. Occasionally, this may cause delays in order fulfillment.
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To return a product, you must first obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization ("RMA") number from PCS Edventures. To receive an RMA number, contact PCS Edventures at (800) 429-3110 within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of your product(s). Returned items must be received by PCS Edventures within thirty (30) calendar days after issuance of the RMA number or the return right will be forfeited and the RMA number becomes null and void.
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1. LIMITED WARRANTY. PCS guarantees our products with a 30-day limited warranty against material or workmanship defects and will accept any defective item for refund or exchange. Unused or defective merchandise may be returned within 30 days after purchase for an exchange. THIS IS THE ONLY GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY BEING OFFERED BY PCS RELATING TO THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES YOU PURCHASE OR RECEIVE FROM PCS. PCS MAKES NO OTHER, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL, REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER IN WRITING, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE COVERED BY THE LIMITED WARRANTY, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY PCS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND BY PCS. Manufacturers of non-PCS branded products may provide other warranties. Warranty claims for non-PCS branded products will be handled by their respective manufacturers.
3. Governing Law. The warranty terms are governed by the laws of the State of Idaho and the state courts of Idaho.

Drone Designers: Exploring STEAM Careers 2nd Edition
Pricing Options:
- Complete Program (Materials + Curriculum): 4,375.00 USD
- Curriculum Print & Digital: 995.00 USD
- Refill Kit: 750.00 USD
Recommended Settings:
- Summer Camps
- Classrooms
- Out-of-School Time Programs
Tech Requirements:
- Six Internet-connected laptops or Chromebooks (one per drone) to run the Blockly web app and access music.
- CoDrone EDU is not compatible with Android or iOS operating systems.
Activity Highlights:
- Costume, choreograph and code mini-drones in aerial acrobatic performances.
- Explore drone technology, the iterative design process and the science of aerodynamics through a curriculum aimed at engaging learners
Curriculum Topics:
- Art and Technology
- Autonomous Drone Operations
- Algorithms & Programming
- Engineering Design Process
- Real-World Careers
Product Orientation:
- Half-hour free webinar orientation for purchases of $500+
- One-hour free webinar orientation for purchases of $1000+
- Additional training available for purchase
Complete Program Includes:
Drone Designers comes with all of the supplies needed for 30 students to complete 12 one-hour activities:
- Instructor Guide: 1
- Designer’s Notebooks: 31
- Drone Parts Poster: 1
- Flight Team Lanyard Inserts: 1
- Iterative Design Poster: 1
- Storage Tubs: 2
- #2 Pencils (12 pack): 3
- AA Batteries: 12
- Ball of String: 1
- Colored Pencils (12 pack): 6
- Construction Paper (50 pack): 1
- Craft Foam (24 pack): 1
- Digital Scale: 1
- Glitter Cardstock (40 pack): 1
- LiPo Battery Multi-Charger: 6
- LiPo Safe Storage Bag: 1
- Metal Washers: 80
- Mini Quadcopters: 6
- Mini Quadcopter Motors (4 pack): 1
- Pencil Sharpeners: 6
- Plastic Container: 1
- Production Team Lanyards: 30
- Rolls of Double-Sided Tape: 6
- Rolls of Masking Tape: 6
- Safety Glasses: 30
- Scissors (Child): 12
- Scissors (Adult): 1
- Team Tote Bags: 6
- Tissue Paper (24 pack): 1
- White Cardstock (250 pack): 1
- Access to the Digital Resource Portal
Curriculum Print & Digital Includes:
- Instructor Guide: 1
- Designer’s Notebooks: 31
- Drone Parts Poster: 1
- Flight Team Lanyard Inserts: 1
- Iterative Design Poster: 1
- Access to the Digital Resource Portal
Refill Kit Available:
Looking to use Drone Designers with a new flight crew? This refill kit will get you back up and flying in no time!
- Designer’s Notebooks: 31
- #2 Pencils (12 packk): 3
- AA Batteries: 12
- Ball of String: 1
- Colored Pencils (12 pack): 6
- Construction Paper (50 pack): 1
- Craft Foam (24 pack): 1
- Glitter Cardstock (40 pack): 1
- Mini Quadcopter Motors (4 pack): 1
- Mini Quadcopter Propellers (4 pack): 6
- Rolls of Double-Sided Tape: 6
- Rolls of Masking Tape: 6
- Tissue Paper (24 pack): 1
- White Cardstock (250 pack): 1
Habits of Mind:
16 thinking habits developed by Art Costa and Bena Kallick to empower students to succeed in a 21st-century learning environment.
- Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations
- Creating, Imagining and Innovating
- Gathering Data through All Senses
- Listening with Understanding and Empathy
- Managing Impulsivity
- Persisting
- Questioning and Posing Problems
- Responding with Wonderment and Awe
- Striving for Accuracy
- Taking Responsible Risks
- Thinking about Thinking
- Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision
- Thinking Flexibly
- Thinking Interdependently
21st Century Skills:
A set of widely-applicable abilities essential for success in the information age.
- Communication and Collaboration
- Creativity and Innovation
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Flexibility and Adaptability
- Information, Media, and Technology Literacy
- Initiative and Self-Direction
- Leadership and Responsibility
- Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
© 2019 Battelle for Kids. battelleforkids.org. All Rights Reserved. Battelle for Kids was not involved in the production of this product and does not endorse it.
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts:
- ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.1/CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.1/CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4-6 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
- ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.2/CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.2/CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.2: Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. / Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.
Next Generation Science Standards:*
- 3-5-ETS1-1 Engineering Design
- 3-5-ETS1-2 Engineering Design
- 4-PS3-4 Energy Transfer
- MS-ETS1-2 Engineering Design
- MS-ETS1-3 Engineering Design
* Next Generation Science Standards and NGSS is a registered trademark of WestEd. Neither WestEd nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and do not endorse it.
International Society for Technology in Education:
- ISTE 1d. Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
- ISTE 5d. Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions.
- ISTE 7c. Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.
ISTE Standards for Students, ©2016, ISTE® (International Society for Technology in Education), iste.org. All rights reserved. ISTE was not involved in the production of this product and does not endorse it.
National Core Arts Standards:
- DA:Cr1.1.4a: Identify ideas for choreography generated from a variety of stimuli (for example, music/sound, text, objects, images, notation, observed dance, experiences)
- DA:Cr1.1.5a: Build content for choreography using several stimuli (for example, music/sound, text, objects, images, notation, observed dance, experiences, literary forms, natural phenomena, current news, social events).
- DA:Pr4.1.6a: Refine partner and ensemble skills in the ability to judge distance and spatial design. Establish diverse pathways, levels, and patterns in space. Maintain focus with partner or group in near and far space.
- VA:Cn10.1.5a: Apply formal and conceptual vocabularies of art and design to view surroundings in new ways through artmaking.
- VA:Cn11.1.6a: Analyze how art reflects changing times, traditions, resources, and cultural uses.
- VA:Cr1.2.5a: Identify and demonstrate diverse methods of artistic investigation to choose an approach for beginning a work of art.
- VA:Cr2.1.5: Experiment and develop skills in multiple art-making techniques and approaches through practice.
- VA:Cr2.1.6: Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in making works of art and design.
- VA:Cr2.2.4a: When making works of art, utilize and care for materials, tools, and equipment in a manner that prevents danger to oneself and others.
- VA:Cr2.3.6a: Design or redesign objects, places, or systems that meet the identified needs of diverse users.
- VA:Cr3.1.5a: Create artist statements using art vocabulary to describe personal choices in artmaking.
- VA:Cr3.1.6a: Reflect on whether personal artwork conveys the intended meaning and revise accordingly.
- VA:Cr3.1.8a: Apply relevant criteria to examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for a work of art or design in progress.
- VA:Pr5.1.6: Individually or collaboratively, develop a visual plan for displaying works of art, analyzing exhibit space, the needs of the viewer, and the layout of the exhibit.
- VA:Pr5.1.8a: Collaboratively prepare and present selected theme-based artwork for display, and formulate exhibition narratives for the viewer.
- VA:Re.7.1.5: Compare one's own interpretation of a work of art with the interpretation of others.
- VA:Re7.2.6: Analyze ways that visual components and cultural associations suggested by images influence ideas, emotions, and actions.
National Core Arts Standards © 2015 National Coalition for Core Arts Standards. Rights administered by Young Audiences, Inc. New York, NY. https://www.nationalartsstandards.org
Idaho Computer Science Standards:
- 3-5.AP.06. Construct and test problem solutions using a block-based visual programming language, both independently and collaboratively (e.g. pair programming).
- 3-5.CS.02. Identify, using accurate terminology, simple hardware and software problems and apply strategies for solving these problems (e.g. rebooting the device, checking the power, access to the network, read error messages, discuss problems with peers and adults).
- 6-8.AP.02. Compare different algorithms that may be used to solve the same problem by time and space efficiency.
Erika D. Liebel
As a former PCS Lab student, Erika is thrilled to be part of the team at PCS Edventures as a curriculum developer and coordinator. Erika received her bachelor’s degree from Linfield College, a master's from Middlebury College and pursued post-graduate studies at Cornell University and Northwest Nazarene University, with her graduate studies
focusing on Second Language Acquisition, Curriculum Design and Educational Technology. Erika has worked in Bilingual Education in Spain
and the United States, always incorporating STEAM-based strategies into her classroom.
Erika’s STEAM experiences are extensive, developing AR/VR curriculum for Blocksmith Inc and Google for Education, serving as president of the Idaho Association of Teachers of Language and Culture, and assisting the Idaho Virtual Reality Council and the Idaho STEM Action Center in
the creation of the VR4Ed grant to bring virtual reality technology to rural school districts. In 2018, Erika was voted "Best in the Wood River Valley: Top Educator." As Curriculum Coordinator, Erika looks forward to bringing a collaborative spirit to colleagues, clients and curricula through her unique perspective of STEAM education.
For this reason, Erika thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to develop Drone Designers with such a collaborative approach with the team at PCS
Edventures and many expert contributors. Another highlight of the development process was heading back into the classroom to pilot these lessons at Wood River Middle School, where Erika previously taught. Erika loved seeing the program come alive with co-teacher, Melanie Schrader, and the 7th-grade students.
From all involved in the Drone Designers program, it’s our greatest wish that educators and students feel well supported with these scaffolded, methodically designed and tested lessons so that they may feel empowered to contribute to the ever-evolving field of drone technology.
Jan Zatloukal
Jan Zatloukal is an accomplished instructional designer at PCS Edventures, blending his expertise in education with a creative approach to curriculum development. With a Bachelor's degree in Education from the University of Idaho and is in the process of earning a Master's Certificate in Instructional Design from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, Jan consistently strives to enhance the learning
experience for students and educators. In addition to being a certified teacher he is also a licensed FAA Part 107 drone pilot.
Jan's professional experience includes tutoring, teaching, and creating captivating lessons intended to foster a love for science and mathematics, instill a passion for engineering and robotics, and spark
interests in programming, career exploration, and computer-aided design. His dynamic approach empowers learners to think critically, solve
problems, and embrace the limitless potential of STEAM disciplines.
Recognizing the immense potential of drones as educational tools, Jan eagerly embraced the opportunity to collaborate with the PCS
development team to build upon the Drone Designers curriculum. Jan is thrilled about the chance to equip learners with the skills and mindset
necessary to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
Marisa Vickery
Marisa Vickery is a veteran educator and the CEO of DroneBlocks. She was honored as the Texas Computer Education Association’s (TCEA) 2017
High Impact Teacher of the Year and the Texas Trailblazer of the Year in 2015 by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. She has presented at conferences and events including the South by Southwest Education Conference and Festival (SXSWedu), the International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) global EdTech conference, the World Maker Faire in New York, the Texas Computer Education Association’s (TCEA) state conference and the National Scout Jamboree.
Marisa serves as a Champion Board Member for the Texas Girls Collaborative Project and enjoys traveling to provide STEAM and Drone Education training to children and educators across the world.
Marisa assisted with initial research and the review of the Drone Designers curriculum. Marisa’s wealth of experience with DroneBlocks curriculum development and logistical testing with students was
essential in the early conception of the program. PCS Edventures greatly appreciates Marisa contributing her expertise to Drone Designers.
Jeff M. Poulin
Jeff M. Poulin is the founder of Creative Generation, working to inspire, connect and amplify the work of organizations and individuals
committed to cultivating the creative capacities of young people. As a recognized leader at the non-profit organization, Americans for the
Arts, he advanced local, state and federal policies supportive of equitable access to arts learning throughout the U.S. A seasoned educator, Jeff teaches at several universities and trains 10,000+ people annually around the globe. Jeff is a tap dancer by trade and continues to mentor young dancers in the U.S. and in the U.K.
PCS Edventures appreciates Jeff’s contributions to the Drone Designers program, especially given his experience as the former Arts Education Program Manager for the Americans for the Arts. Jeff managed the organization’s role in the development of the National Core Arts Standards. During the development of the Drone Designers program, Jeff
was able to work with Erika early on to ensure that daily lessons were aligned with the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), as part of the PCS
Edventures effort to create truly balanced programs to advance STEAM education. Additionally, with Jeff’s extensive background in dance, he
was able to provide lesson extensions for educators interested in pursuing a more in-depth focus on choreography throughout.
Katelyn Foley
Katelyn Foley, the Director of Education and Humanities at the Sun Valley Museum of Art (SVMoA), is a certified educator, art historian and expert in collaborating with classroom teachers across the disciplines to bring value to the “A” for “Arts” in STEAM. Under Katelyn’s leadership, the museum has developed innovative curricula to skillfully integrate the arts into classes traditionally excluded such as the Sciences, Math and Social Studies. Within the Blaine County School District in the Sun Valley area of Idaho, Katelyn and her educational outreach team design projects that align with Common Core objectives to
meet the needs of teachers and students to interpret information in new ways. Now after receiving a prestigious national grant through the Institute of Museum and Library Sciences, the Sun Valley Museum of Art has additional funding to bring their valuable approach to STEAM to a wider, national audience through their new online resource hub. See
links within the Drone Designers program for step-by-step videos that complement lessons on paper manipulation for drone costume design.
PCS Edventures is grateful to Katelyn for playing a key role throughout the development of the Drone Designers program. Initially serving as a reviewer of daily lessons and consultant on arts standards, paper manipulation techniques and best practices, Katelyn later participated in the co-teaching of the lessons with students at Wood River Middle School. Erika greatly appreciated Katelyn being on hand as
another expert for students to interact with and receive mentorship from, especially when interpreting music into artistic expression. Thank you, Katelyn, for your enthusiasm, creativity and expertise.
Melanie Bemis Schrader
Melanie is the Gifted and Talented Facilitator and Leadership Educator at Wood River Middle School in Hailey, Idaho. With a strong background in the sciences, she has also taught Life Science, Biology,
Chemistry, and Microbiology. As an educator, Melanie’s goals have always been to empower her students with the necessary skills and self-knowledge to achieve their goals for life. For this reason, Melanie promotes project management, 21st Century Learning Skills and talent development among all students. Melanie is a proponent of project-based learning with real-life applications and STEAM career exploration through participation in national competitive programs such as Future
City. As Melanie frequently brings in local experts from the community to mentor students on their projects, the Drone Designers pilot program
fits right in with her innovative teaching approach.
As the collaborating teacher involved with Drone Designers, Melanie played an essential role in the program to test lesson logistics, co-teach sessions and offer detailed feedback each day. Melanie assisted Erika in ensuring that production team roles were fully developed in each lesson and enhanced approaches to teaching more advanced coding
skills like flying to point. PCS Edventures appreciates Melanie’s ability to promote the taking of academic risks with a growth mindset among her students. Her love and appreciation of both the Arts and
Sciences are admirable.
Léa Pereyre
Erika loved researching the magic of Verity Studios, the intriguing production team members behind the scenes and the opportunity to learn from these innovative figures. Little did Erika know that she would have the opportunity to actually interact with one of these people she so admired. Erika and PCS Edventures greatly appreciate Léa Pereyre, the
world’s first drone costume designer, for being so willing to share how she has developed this new field of design. Léa corresponded with Erika
throughout the development of the program and offered crucial feedback so that daily lessons highlight the fundamental skills for developing a
drone performance. The team at PCS Edventures hopes that educators and students alike will embrace Léa as a positive female role model breaking new ground in drone technology as applied to the arts and entertainment.
Wood River Middle School 7th Grade Leadership Students
PCS Edventures and Erika Liebel are especially thankful to the Wood River Middle School students for their contributions to the Drone Designers program! These 7th Grade Leadership students demonstrated a willingness to take academic risks and apply their skills and talents in new ways. Students offered valuable feedback on lessons and content. Students decided on their own to take on the most logistically challenging track of the Drone Designers curriculum, and surpassed expectations. Learners demonstrated sincere support for one another, innovative applications of program concepts and pure joy in learning and creating!