Computers have evolved into devices that can be easily transported and can be used to perform a variety of tasks, not just tracking geophysical locations.
Mar 9, 2016
National Engineers Week and Discover Engineering
During this annual observance of Engineers Week last week, PCS held two open houses for parents of after-school students to investigate what their children had been building.
Feb 18, 2016
Girls and Gigabytes
On February 12, the White House hosted “Girls and Gigabytes,” an exciting workshop where over 150 students gathered to take part in STEM events.
Feb 10, 2016
The Advantages of E-Learning
Learning Management Systems are transforming the way students learn and how instructors teach!
Oct 21, 2015
Parental Involvement with STEM
With the assistance of parents and afterschool programs, children can gain an even more robust knowledge of STEM.
Sep 9, 2015
The Reality of Coding: How to Get Ahead
“It’s time Americans begin treating computer code the way we do the alphabet or arithmetic,” wrote CNN reporter Douglas Rushkoff about the importance of coding in today’s economy.
Aug 21, 2015
5 Ways to Incorporate STEM Into Your After-School Program
Did you know that students learn science better in more informal learning environments?
Aug 13, 2015
Why Grades Aren't Working
Traditional grading systems don’t give an accurate depiction of what is actually happening in classrooms.
Jun 17, 2015
Expert Opinion: Jim Schmidt, Ed.D.
After working most of his life in the education world, Jim Schmidt has gained a unique insight as to what students need to ensure a successful post-ed career.
Jun 10, 2015
21st Century Skills in the Classroom
Critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, innovation, problem-solving and other similar skills are highly sought after in the evolving workforce.
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