21st Century Assessment and Differentiated Learning Webinar
First it was No Child Left Behind, and now Race to the Top. It seems like there are endless initiatives about teacher accountability (generally based on student test scores). At the same time, we have the Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core and revised tech standards, all of which stress a focus on process and meaningful, relevant cognitive skills. However, it appears the two initiatives are at odds. It can be difficult to provide authentic learning experiences in the era of high-stakes testing. Join PCS Edventures for a summary of our efforts to address this conundrum, as well as an overview of process teaching. During this webinar, Jon Bender, the resident Director of Curriculum Development, will discuss common assessment techniques used today, in addition to several new methods which he has been instrumental in developing. Mr. Bender will explain these different approaches to authentically assess student learning, while empowering them to cultivate their nature growth and exploratory tendencies. By using multiple assessment techniques, teachers can more effectively use their time in the classroom, while fostering learner independence and metacognitive self-assessment. At the conclusion of this webinar, Jon Bender answers live questions.
About Jon Bender
Jon Bender has been a science educator since 2004. In that time, he has worked with students ages 13 to 50+, delivering content ranging from middle school conceptual physics to college engineering. In addition to time spent in his classroom “laboratory,” Jon has also published education materials, and collaborated with physics and engineering education faculty at Seattle Pacific University, the University of California at Berkeley, California Polytechnic, Boise State University, and the University of Colorado in Boulder. The bulk of his professional work has focused on attempting to empower students — shift learners’ locus of control inward — through student-centered, process-focused curriculum design and the careful cultivation of classroom culture (CCCC). Jon has a masters in science teaching with a physics focus and is currently working on a second masters in engineering.
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