Making a Cleaner World
Start the conversation about sustainability in your learning environment with these guided group discussions! Perfect for eco-friendly holidays, like Earth Day and National Pollution Prevention Week, each lesson outlines STEAM connections, key terms, background information, discussion questions and more.
Try incorporating them into existing lessons, using them in Morning Meeting shares, or building new lessons around them.
What's My Impact?:
Do you know what your daily impact on the environment is? Is it generally positive, or is there room for improvement? In this discussion, you and your learners will explore common daily activities that have positive or negative effects on the environment. Dive in to learn some new ways to prevent pollution and make a cleaner world!
Download FreebieAir, Water & Soil:
Do you know all five of the main types of pollution? The primary three are air, water and soil. In this discussion, you and your learners will explore ways to prevent each type of pollution and improve the health of the environment. Dive in to learn how to make a cleaner world!
Download FreebieReuse vs. Recycle:
You’re likely familiar with the phrase “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” But have you ever dug into the differences between reusing a product and recycling it? Why does “Reuse” come first? In this discussion, you and your learners will uncover the differences and brainstorm some creative ways to get more use out of everyday items. Dive in to learn how to make a cleaner world!
Download FreebieSight & Sound Sustainability:
When thinking about pollution, things like smoke, plastics and toxins are likely the first to come to mind. But did you know that excessive light and sound can also be pollutants? In this discussion, you and your learners will explore the effects of light and sound pollution and brainstorm some creative ways to protect our eyes and ears – and that of the wildlife around us. Dive in to learn how to make a cleaner world!
Download FreebieHow to Reduce E-Waste:
Did you know that your cell phone is a treasure trove of precious materials? Many common household devices are filled with metals, plastics and more that can be recycled into new products. In this discussion, you and your learners will explore e-waste and brainstorm ways to reduce the number of devices in landfills. Dive in to learn how to make a cleaner world!
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